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Summer Program 2024

By April 23, 2024August 9th, 2024No Comments

Time flew by fast, our Chinese library’s free summer courses have been running smoothly for a month now! All the participants have gained a lot from the courses.



Crochet Class   编织课

Projects completed by students     学生编织作品

Ukulele Class    尤克里里课

Reading Buddy Program     阅读伙伴计划

Our summer program will continue to run in August. If you would like to register for any lesson, please email us at  or  call us at  (780) 498-0580

我们图书馆将会在八月继续提供暑期课程,如有愿报名参加,请发送电子邮件至 或致电 (780) 498-0580

Program Highlights:

  • All Age Crochet Class: Develop your crafting skills in our all-age crochet class. Held every Wednesday from 1:00pm to 3:00pm, this class is perfect for crochet beginners.
  • Reading Buddies Program: Team up with a buddy to engage in our games and activities to win prices. This program is designed for children age 6 and up. Sessions are held on most Thursdays at 2:00pm.
  • Writing Program (Age 12+): Unleash your creativity and improve your writing with our program tailored for young writers aged 12 and up. Classes are on most Thursdays from 2:00pm to 3:00pm.
  • Ukulele Class (Age 6+): Learn to play the ukulele in a fun and supportive environment. Classes are held every Friday from 2:00pm to 3:00pm.

Course Fee: Free

Registration: Limited spots are available on a first come first serve basis exclusively for members of the Chinese Library


  • 全龄段钩针编织课: 在我们的全龄段钩针编织课上发展您的手工技能。每周三下午1:00至3:00举行,此课程非常适合钩针编织初学者。
  • 阅读伙伴计划: 与伙伴合作,参与我们的游戏和活动,赢取奖品。该项目适合6岁及以上的儿童。大部分周四下午2:00举行。
  • 写作课程(12岁以上): 释放您的创意,提高写作水平。该课程专为12岁及以上的年轻作家设计。大部分周四下午2:00至3:00举行。
  • 尤克里里课(6岁以上): 在一个有趣和支持性的环境中学习弹奏尤克里里。每周五下午2:00至3:00举行。




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